For the summer, Micah and Benjamin are in the same Sunday school class. I was at first concerned about how their behavior would be, since it's very clear that the two of them enjoy not only getting into trouble together, but taking trouble to a whole different level. So far though, they seem to be doing very well.
I wish I could be a fly on the wall of their classroom! So they sit by each other during snack time? Does Micah help Benjamin with the new things he may encounter? So they totally ignore each other?
Not only do these pictures mark the boys being together for Sunday school, which will happen again since they are so close in age, but it also marks the first time since we've joined WPC that we haven't had a child in the nursery during the Sunday school hour! Wohoo!!!
Isn't funny how differently our children behave when we aren't there?
what big boys!!!
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