Sunday, June 14, 2009

Elizabeth's 5th year

Tomorrow, at 10:21pm, Elizabeth will turn five years old. I can't believe it's been five years since we became parents. There are days when it feels like five months, and days when it feels like 15 years!!

We chose not to find out if we were having a boy or a girl during my pregnancy with Elizabeth. It was such fun to hear, "It's a girl!" and to realized that I had a daughter. I love my boys, but there's such joy in having a little girl. And Elizabeth is quite the girly girl!! It melts my heart to see her dance, to hear her say that her favorite color is pink, "... like you mommy!", to play with her hair, and play tea party while wearing a pink feather boa. Oh yes, there are moments of drama. She is, after all, a girl. And to make it worse she is JUST. LIKE. ME!!!

Five seems big. Maybe it's because she starts school in the fall. Maybe it's the realization that time keeps going, never standing still. Maybe it's that mixture of joy over the past, and sadness that's my baby girl is rapidly growing up. Regardless of the reasons, I think I'm going to be a big weepy mess today!

Enjoy these pictures of Elizabeth's 5th year.

Happy birthday, Elizabeth! Mommy loves you, even when temperaments clash. You bring me such joy, and I'm thankful that I get to share these sweet and precious years with you. You are beautiful, and I hope that your inner beauty continues to shine through, the older you get. May the coming year bring you a deeper understanding of God! I love you!


grandma said...

haooy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday dear, sweet beautiful, wonderful, goofball,
happy birthday to youuuuuu!!!

ta da!

can;t wait for the next 5 years!

Unknown said...

Oh, you big little girl! Such excitement packed into those first five years and they are only a hint to the many years to come!

I love you and wish you were here to hug and kiss.

Happy Birthday!
Grand Daddy

Megan said...

Happy Birthday Elizabeth! Uncle Matt, Jeremiah and I love you!

Christi said...

I agree, something about 5 seems big. I hope you guys have a good day today!