Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Ever feel that as a parent you just go from one problem to another? That's kinda where Curtis and I are with our children and sleep.

During the fall, the problem was that they were waking up through the night, coming in, wanting to sleep with us, not going back to their beds, crying because someone (sibling or me) was in "their spot by Daddy". Over the Christmas break, that wasn't a problem at all! All three kids shared a room most nights, and Micah and Elizabeth even shared a bed! No problems!

We came home, and had a couple really great nights. Curtis and I were thrilled! But now we've traded that sleeping problem for another sleeping problem. All three of our children have become quite the early birds, waking up around 5-5:30 for the past several mornings.

Here's our plan of attack. We're going to try to maintain as normal of a routine as possible, doing the same things, and going to bed (8:00) at the same time. Depending on the day, I might put Benjamin down earlier. We are going to get a clock for Elizabeth's room, and a CD player for the boys' room. Elizabeth won't be able to get out of bed till her clock says 6:30. If Micah wakes up too early, we'll start a CD and tell him he has to stay in bed till the music is over.

Benjamin is the wild card in all this. If he wakes up, he will wake up Micah and no amount of reasoning with him will help. I'm hoping that once we get Micah sleeping normally, Benjamin will follow suit, which is what seems to be happening with the bad sleeping problems.

Anyone out there have any advice? Should we keep the same routine, or put the kids in bed earlier? Should there be negative consequences for getting up too early? Any thoughts on what in the world could be causing all this? Any and all advice welcome!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Bump and comfort...if that doesn't work, just go with the bump.

I think you're right on with the schedule. 8pm should be fine for Micah and Elizabeth, but maybe a bit late for the Benjamin. Your clock idea is a good one, and I'll bet that if you set an alarm for Micah at say 6:30am, you could tell him he has to stay there until it goes off. You could still let him start music, but you had better teach him how to turn it off and not just snooze it!

However you go, I think there will some more funny stories for the blog!

Love you all and hope dinner was good and cheap...