Friday, January 09, 2009

New Year's Resolution

This year, I made one New Year's Resolution for our entire family. And though between the five of us, we have just one measly little resolution, this is going to be a challenge!

Our New Year's Resolution is to survive outside of survival mode.

Those of you who have had a baby, or other major life changing experiences, know what survival mode is. Here's what it looks like in the Krajca house. Daddy comes home from work, and mommy and the 3 amigos are still in our jammies. Laundry still needs to be done, the kitchen isn't clean, dinner is a distant thought, but we're all alive.

Survival mode is how we've been living life since Micah was born (March 2006). We went into survival mode for obvious reasons.... we had to survive! I was recovering from a rough c-section, Elizabeth was 21 months old, and Micah had colic.

I was just starting to come out of survival mode when WHAMO I found out I was pregnant with Benjamin. I was pregnant and exclusively breastfeeding a huge baby who wasn't sleeping through the night. I pretty much stayed in survival mode through my pregnancy with Benjamin, which worked out well since I ended up recovering from another c-section with an almost 3 year old and a 14 month old.

And of course, we all know what a walk in the park Benjamin's first year was! HA!!!

So this fall, Curtis and I started coming out of the survival mode haze, realizing that we and our children had some nasty little habits (eating in front of the TV, sleeping in mommy and daddy's bed, lack of routine, lack of structure....). And 2009 is going to be our year of putting the craziness of the past two and a half years behind us, and moving on to be a God glorifying, loving, caring, organized family!


Christi said...

Oh no, you said it out loud, now you're definitely going to get pregnant. ;-)

We'll be praying that "survival mode" ends for you this year.

Anonymous said...

I think that is an awesome resolution!! You guys have done GREAT in survival mode, but something new and different is always fun.

Caroline said...

Oh, I am so there with you. We've developed some bad habits too (though from different life circumstances, the same survival mode result.)

To thriving in '09!!

Alicia said...

Okay, I'm going to need the manual once you're done! =) Survival mode is working pretty well for us. I DID make a commitment to be dressed before Chris comes home each day, and most of the time it is by the skin of my teeth that it's done. But we're not planning on stopping with just one child, so I know it will only go downhill from here as far as the whole clean house, eating at the table (which was our resolution), wearing make-up AND having clean hair thing goes. I've grown very accustomed to flannel pants and pony tails. =)

Kristy said...

Those bad habits can be sneaky! Adding more structure to our day is my goal for now. Planning an activity and actually doing it, no matter how 'small', gives me such a boost!

Elizabeth said...

My thoughts ran along the lines of Christi's. I thought, "so look for the post announcing the next pregnancy here any day." =)

Wow, to hear you describe survival mode I'm afraid we spend too much time there and I don't even have half the reasons you did.