Tuesday, August 04, 2009


This morning, while I was getting ready for VBS, Benjamin came into the bathroom, went potty, and got ready to leave. He somehow managed to get his finger slammed by the toilet seat, and left the bathroom crying and holding his finger. I told him I was sorry he'd been hurt and kissed his finger.

"I need band aid!" he told me.

"No, you're find," I reassured him.

"Oh MAN!"

And off he walked, bummed that he had nothing to show for his war wound.


momma said...

i would have given him a band-aid....cause who wants to kiss a finger smashed by the toilet seat!!

Megan said...

Good point, Mom!

Mary Ellen King said...

I am thrilled to hear of your pregrancy. Your Mom is talking me through this comment thing so bear with me. You are the "best" of mothers!!!!!!

Mary Ellen

Carissa said...

Tell Ben that Miss Carissa is very sorry he hurt his finger! I miss your crazy house!