Sunday, May 17, 2009

Prayer for my children

Normally, Curtis puts the children to bed. This involves praying with them, saying the "blessing", and singing the Doxology and Gloria Patri. That was his time with the kids. Since the past semester has been anything but normal, I've gotten in on the bed time routine. It's turned into a beautiful time of family worship. We practice the catechism, read Dangerous Journey or a story from their Bibles, learn hymns, have time talking about stuff (recently, it's been about confessing our sins :-)) and then we pray.

Tonight was a little abbreviated since our entire evening was running later than normal. As Curtis was quickly praying for our children, I chuckled when he prayed, "And Lord, please help the children to sleep well so they don't freak out at Benjamin's birthday party."


Maybe we should make the request of non-freaking out children to be a regular request.

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