Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Gee thanks!

As I was getting the kids ready for bed tonight, Elizabeth asked if we could play dress up. I told her that we could play dress up in the morning, but for now, we needed to get ready for bed. Shockingly, she was okay with that! We continued our bed time routine, and my little planner started planning what we could play tomorrow. She informed me, "My brothers and I can play dress up. They will be kings or pirates, and I will be the queen."
"Sounds like lots of fun!" I told her.
"And you," she said, "can be the servant and get us dressed."

Just another day as a mommy, I see!


Anonymous said...

That girl is always thinking. What do servants wear? Love grmm

Megan said...

It's good to be needed, huh?

momma said... there a difference?!?! she'll probably want you to clean and cook, too!

Christi said...

Think you could sing and get the birds and woodland creatures to join you? Then being a servant would be a little bit more fun. :-)