Saturday, May 09, 2009

Fun pictures from our evening

Tonight we had the great pleasure of celebrating God's great goodness to a dear friend, Norval, as he celebrated his 60th birthday!! I have well over 100 picture from the evening, but here are my three favorites. Micah and Daddy. Like the queso on Micah's face? What a cutie!

Oh Benjamin. Sweet Benjamin with his sweet tooth!

Elizabeth and Mrs. Laura, showing off their round bellies!

Happy birthday Norval!! We are blessed to have you in our lives!


Anonymous said...

What a fun time you must have had, and a handsom picture of 2 guys, Benjamin looks like he has a halo over his tootsie face and Elizabeth is having so much fun. Happy Mothers to you, a Wonderful Mon. Elizabeth, Micah and Banjamin, Thank You for the beautiful Cards. They are on my refrigerator so I think of you all the time I see them. Love you all ggrmm

Shannie said...

that picture of Elizabeth and Laura is priceless!!!

Charla (SHar-la) said...

Hey, I get a daily devotional and the one for a few days back was titled Armload of Blessings. I thought of you in your quest for a new blog title!