Friday, September 12, 2008


I had heard with large amounts of rain comes rats. It hasn't even rained here yet, and look what we're dealing with! Rats!!! Gummy rats, that is.
You know, it's a good thing that my kids are such troopers, and will eat anything. That should be helpful if Ike gets really bad.

This picture's a little fuzzy, but so adorable.... even with rats hanging out of their mouths!
See how much fun the Dollar Tree provides?!


Anonymous said...


Christi said...

Disgusting! That's why they were at the dollar tree and not a "top of the line" grocery establishment. ;-)

Anonymous said...

You're lucky you got into a store yesterday! We tried to go to HEB or ABC's as GM calls it, but I couldn't find a parking spot and when one opened up two young men in their honkin' big truck whipped in front of me which made me mad, so I just left :). Oh well, that's why there's a store in Iola that no one knows about! woohoo!

Shannie said...


Megan said...

That's really gross!

Megan said...

Looks like your kids are eating a hairy poop!

Anonymous said...

Throwing up a little in my mouth...especially after that last comment!!! LOL