Saturday, September 06, 2008

10 years!

10 years ago today, I returned that fateful phone call. I think (if my memory serves me) that my Dad called Curtis back, then we talked. That was the first of many, many, many phone calls and many, many, many, hours spent talking. The long distance relationship that I wasn't going to have, started over the phone. And we didn't see each other for six weeks!
Here are a few pictures from the early years.......

December, 1998

This was the very first picture that we had taken together. When I went to go see Curtis earlier that fall, he took me to an A&M game. Since, at the time, I didn't understand or like football, the pay back was that he came with me to see the Nutcracker Ballet. That's when this picture was taken. We were babies, and didn't even know it!

Summer 1999

This picture was taken at the MSU campus. My friend, Dee, took this and several other pictures for us. The summer of '99 was a big one for our relationship. When Curtis came home for the summer, he told me he loved me (on my 19th birthday!) and we had our first kiss. And I'll save you the math. That was about 10 months into our relationship. I told you! We were very sweet!
September 6, 1999 - Our 1 year anniversary!

I surprised Curtis by coming down to A&M Labor Day weekend for our anniversary. He was shocked!! This picture was taken shortly after I surprised him.

December, 1999 - our informal engagement pictures (couldn't get my hands on a real one!)

Curtis proposed at his family's farm, on December 20th, 1999. It was night time, so we didn't get any pictures that night. So we went back with my friend Dee, and she took a few for us. 4th of July, 2000

December 2000, going to the Nutcracker again (and by the way, we haven't been again since!)

December 31st, 2000 - Us leaving for our honeymoon! January, 2000 - on our honeymoon in Colorado

Between the above picture, and the below picture, we both finished college. No small feat, my friends!
Fall 2002 - our Christmas card picture... look how skinny our dog was!
January 2002 - on our anniversary cruise

And you know the rest!! We had a baby, we bought a house, we had two more babies, we laughed, we cried, we loved, we learned, we grew....

and lived happily ever after!


Unknown said...

What a fun walk down memory lane! I thought of several memories of my own related to these dates...happy memories and a sense of pride in you and what you've done. I also remembered trying to get a cell phone plan to cover all that long distance phoning!


Anonymous said...

my how time flies! love you both.

Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

Thanks for sharign! I Love all the photos too, so sweet!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I'm so late in commenting, but I LOVED this post. Such a precious documentary of your history together! I'm getting WEEPY!!!!