Thursday, June 05, 2008

A melt your heart Micah-ism

As I was checking my e-mail, I heard Micah frantically call, "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy!" I told him where I was, and he continued to call me. He rushed into my bedroom, and into my arms exclaiming, "I missed you Mommy!" After a huge hug and lots of snuggles, he asked, "Where's baby Benjamin?!" Ever since he's gotten home from Kansas, he likes knowing where everyone is. Daddy leaving to go to work has become a bit of a productions, with lots of waving from the front door and kisses.

Moments like these make all the bad ones seem so very minor!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's understandable...considering how horribly he was treated in KS. no one ever snuggled him, or loved him...dreadful! but there is noone like mommy and daddy!!