Thursday, June 19, 2008


Blah! Teething is the pits! In my (limited) experience, I find that the first tooth a baby gets is the worse, until they get molars. Molars are miserable! And guess what. Benjamin is getting his 12 month molars and Micah is getting his two year molars. So we've seen a lot of this.....

and not much for this.....

This is when I remind myself that this is only temporary, smile, and try not to think about putting braces on all these new teeth!


Shannie said...

will they still be doing this teething thing when y'all come to KS?

Anonymous said...

I almost spewed out my coffee when I read, "in my limited experience" OH, mercy, if your experience is limited, then I am in so much trouble.

ninepoundhammer said...

I think all of our young'uns need to toughen up a bit.

You don't hear me pitching and moaning about my teeth. (Not much, anyway.)

Sherry said...

ouchy momma!

Janelle said...

Two year molars? You mean I didn't get to skip the whole teething phase? Darn it! Why didn't somebody warn me! ;)

Alicia said...

I agree with're a professional!

Hannah D A said...

Ugh. . .this too shall pass. I love you Kierstyn.