Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Little Boys

I'm learning quite a lot about little boys, which is a good thing since I really didn't know anything about little boys when I had Micah. Growing up, I came from a family of three girls, had mainly girl cousins, and of course had lots of little girl friends. So when the doctor told me I would be having a boy, I was shocked! Then, when I found out we were having another little boy, I was shocked all over again. And since several of my friends are having boys, I've been taking a few notes on the whole little boy thing. Moms of boys, feel free to add to this list!

Rules of the toddler boy
  • If an item is placed somewhere neatly, it should probably be moved to the floor.
  • Once on the floor, the item should be kicked.
  • Why walk when you can run?
  • There is no point in putting books on a bookshelf, they're really supposed to be on the floor.
  • Board books are chew toys, and the objective is to shred the book into the smallest pieces imaginable.
  • Cribs are for jumping and climbing, not sleeping.
  • Bats can be uses to play baseball, or they can be used to beat the snot out of anything on the floor, including the floor.
  • The above rule goes for golf clubs, wrapping paper tubes, or sister's wand.
  • When Mommy vacuums, a boy should run around screaming, trying to be louder than the vacuum.
  • Food is to be shoveled into the mouth, there is no reason for spoons and forks.
  • If your food is too liquidity to shovel, then you should slurp it from your bowl.

Janelle, I am so excited for you and Brian! I kept you in mind when writing this post!!


ninepoundhammer said...

I would like to point out that there is no age limit to the list.

And for the record: I AM louder than the vacuum cleaner! BOO-YA!!

Anonymous said...

Speaking from having brothers, when a boy starts to stick something up his nose, don't just tell him to stop...actually get up and take the object out of his hand, otherwise you just might end up in the emergency room trying to get it out :).

Sherry said...

Here's what I know from my limited experience with boys:
*food dropped on the floor is okay to eat, no three second rules needed
*food must be played with prior to shoveling it into your mouth
*at all times noise must be emitted from some part of your body
*pants are optional

I'll keep observing my 2 and 10 year old specimens and report back as they reveal more idiosyncrasies.

Nicole said...

Having started the school year with 12 kindergarten boys and only 6 girls.. your blog totally resonated with me! From my limited experience:
* If not running, spinning, diving, and rolling are all better than walking.
* If you're excited, you better scream
* Chairs are to be spun in, pushed over, and crawled under- but definitely not sat in

Janelle said...

Thanks for the warnings/tips, Kierstyn! I can't even begin to understand how much I have to learn about little boys! Good thing I have so many friends to turn to. :)

ADish said...


*The quickest way to get an object (size is not a factor) from point A to point B is to throw it. And scream.

I love the "pants are optional"! So true! Does anyone else notice that screaming/making noise seems to be a recurring theme here?