Monday, February 18, 2008

9 months

Benjamin is nine months old today!! And what a nine months it has been! I remember saying that when he was about two or three months too. We just thought we knew how busy you could be with three kids. Ha! Things just keep getting more and more crazy, but more and more fun. My friend Christi is always reminding me how boring my life would be if things were less crazy. Back to Benjamin. He had his well visit today. He weighed in at 19 lbs 2 ozs (edit: thanks Klye for helping me realize that I originally wrote 9 lbs rather than 19!) which is the 40th percentile. He measured 29 1/4 inches, which is in the 80th percentile. The pediatrician was very pleased with how great Benjamin looks.
Because of the surgery, and the fact that Benjamin is still nursing, the doctor checked his iron level. Turns out Benjamin is a little anemic, and will be on an iron supplement for the next three months. Nothing to be concerned about, this is fairly normal for a baby who had the kind of major surgery Benjamin did.

In other Benjamin news, he got his first tooth about a week or so ago. And now, tooth #2 is making its appearance. All this has led to some really yucky nose issues and the inspiration for the poll.

So, all is well! We praise God for every healthy report we get.


Kyle said...

9 lbs? Is that possible? Since we're talking about a Krajca, I would sooner believe he was 90 lbs. Congrats anyway, Benjamin, on being 0.75 years old.

Anonymous said...

I love that second picture of him--what a CUTIE!!!!!!!!

Hannah D A said...

Benjamin is such a cutie! I love that boy. . .as to the poll, I'd rather see "it" on his/her (the baby's) clothes.

Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

Kierstyn, He has always been beautiful but I must say that he looks AWESOME in the photos, what a transformation! What a great report, Praise God!