Elizabeth would like to wish her best friend a very happy 3rd birthday!
Curtis, holding Alexis and Michael hold Elizabeth. This was the day after Alexis was born.
Elizabeth meeting Alexis for the first time.
Our "other" daughter.
The challegning part of this post was picking out just a few pictures. The Findleys have played such a huge role in our lives that there are literally dozens and dozens of pictures that I could have put on here! We are very thankful for the Findleys and for the way God has blessed them with two beautiful children. Having our girls grow up together has been wonderful, and now we get to watch the boys grow up together too!
Alexis, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We love you, and are so thankful that you are part of our family!
Michael and Christi, way to go on making it through three years of parenting! And to think the fun is just beginning for all of us. :-) You guys are great parents, and a huge encouragement to Curtis and I.
Alexis says thank you for the birthday wishes. She told me it was fun hearing Elizabeth sing to her this morning. :-) Thanks for being such great friends!
Wow, I know Alexis was itsy bitsy when she was born, but she looks so small in these pictures. What big, beautiful girls Elizabeth and Alexis have become!
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