Thursday, November 13, 2008


Sometimes, right in the middle of a really bad parenting day, you get sweetness like this.....
And thank goodness for those moments!! Right when I was about box my kids up and send them to Kansas, Elizabeth sat and read a book to Micah. And not just any book, one of Micah's books. So sweet, and shockingly unselfish.
And then there's that ham of child that I have in Benjamin. He cracks me up!
I'm so thankful that God blesses me with little moments like these through the roughest days.


Anonymous said...

So that lil' smile. =)

Unknown said...

What a hoot! And as soon as I saw his picture, I told Mom, "That Benjamin cracks me up!" I had to laugh out loud when I saw that you said the same thing.

And remember, nothing more than you can handle...
Love you,

Christi said...

Is Ben eating a Snickers?! Sweet! I'd be smiling too. :-)

Anonymous said...

We love the dinosaur books!!! My favorite is How Do Dinosaurs Play with Their Friends?

Sherry said...

Great pictures & moment! Thanks for sharing!