Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Potty Train

This evening, Micah had a little accident, which is not that big of a deal for me. That's just life at this stage of the game. But for Elizabeth, it was a major ordeal! It boiled down to her being worried that the accident was because Micah was sick. I assured her that Micah was fine, and that it was, "just part of potty training." To which Micah quickly responded, "Yeah, I'm a potty train!"

(Found this while searching for a funny image to go with Potty Train. Chugga, chugga, pooo-pooooooooo! And no, we don't want this book for Christmas!)


Christi said...

Too late, it's already ordered off of Amazon and being shipped to your house. Just what you need, three kids going around saying "Chugga Chugga poo pooo". :-)

Janelle said...

I really needed a warning disclaimer on this one. I catch up on my blogs at work while eating lunch - I'm afraid I scared on of my co-workers with my silent shakes of laughter!

So does this mean that I need to re-teach Jonathan what the train says? He thinks it says "Woo woo."

ninepoundhammer said...

I might also suggest the lesser-known (but just as important) training tome: 'The Puddle Shuttle.'

Anonymous said...

doesn't the train say..."toot-toot" as it comes into the station?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

Groooooooooooosss!! Does that train carry around Poo pooooooooooooo in it's cabin? Cause that is what the picture is insinuating. =)