Friday, May 09, 2008

Super Mom

I was reading a blog today, where the author, a normal everyday mom, had a moment as Super Mom. She encouraged the rest of us to share in our Super Mom moments. Here's mine from last night.

Benjamin woke up sometime around 1am. He was screaming, I was in a daze and Curtis was in a deep sleep. I went, got him some milk, brought him to my bed to try to calm him down. He had his milk, and was chatting with me. Suddenly, a ton of the milk he had just ingested came back up. Even though it was a ridiculous hour, I had the clarity of mind to roll him onto my jammie shorts (yes, the ones I was wearing) which had already received the brunt of milk, so that his jammies and my bed would stay clean. Without "spilling" any of the milk I had "collected" I woke up Curtis and transferred a now perplexed, but clean, Benjamin to him.

Pretty super for sometime around 1 am!

Anyone else want to share in their latest Super Mom moments?


Megan said...

What do you mean you rolled him into your shorts? Lost me with that, but yea for being a super mom!

Kierstyn said...

I rolled him onto my shorts so he puked on my shorts and not himself or the bed.

Alicia said...

I read your post before this, my first Supermom moment. When I was in the midst of the moment, I though, "I need to write this on Kierstyn's blog! I think this might qualify!"
Chris got me a new sink and faucet for Mother's Day - something I've been wanting and needing for a long time. I was in the kitchen helping him during the installation when Hannah got fussy. I had her in her bouncy seat while standing at the counter rolling plumber's putty into snakes for the sink seal. I was balancing on one foot using the other to bounce the seat. I was singing to her and keeping two fingers clean in case her paci fell out. I realized how many things I was doing at one time and just had to laugh. But I have a completed sink and a happy baby! =)

ninepoundhammer said...

Kudos, Mrs Krajca! I only wish I had been as fleet of foot and mind when Gracie Mae hurled all over the table at the restaurant just as we began digging into our food last Friday.

I was adept enough to bang my head on the hanging light fixture as I leapt out of the booth, however. Then, to top it all off, I did the most ridiculous thing: I caught the remainder of her offering in my cupped hands. (Once you cross that line, there is nowhere else to go.)

Dinner AND a show! Mmmmmm....