Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Tonight, Elizabeth disobeyed. Again. So Curtis, being the excellent parent he is, gave me the baby, and went to deal with her. As Curtis walked back towards Elizabeth, she began screaming, "Show me mercy!" I couldn't help myself, I laughed.... hard! All the way back to her room she was crying out, "Show me mercy, show me mercy!" Right at the end, she said, "Please show me mercy?"


Charla (SHar-la) said...

Once again proving she is the smartest child I know...and hilarious to boot! Oh, and can't forget the drama queen aspect...guess that's a Johnston thing, huh?

ninepoundhammer said...

Elisabeth is too much!! :) (I can't wait to see what the boys have in store for y'all.) I remember a similar incident with my cousin when he was two years-old: My grandma was getting ready to spank him for being disrespectful when he turned to her with his big brown eyes and said, 'Nonnie, be gentle.'

Unknown said...


I prefer to refer to it as well grasped Christian worldview...
Grand Daddy