Friday, August 17, 2007

Benjamin's Baptism

When Pastor Jon first called us up to the front, to give us the vows, he made the comment, "This isn't the Krajca's first time up here." The congregation started laughing. It was pretty funny!
Jon talking to Curtis and I about the kind of parents we, as Christians, need to be to all of our children. This part of the vows is always a challenge to me as a mother. There's more to parenting than just raising the kids, keeping them fed and clean. Jon made the point that Curtis should be an example of a godly father and husband, so Benjamin would be able to emulate him. Jon told me that I should be an example of the kind of wife that Benjamin will some day look for. Not a small task!

Jon asking the congregation if they will support and encourage Curtis and I as we raise Benjamin. This part is always so encouraging to me!
The baptism.
You can't tell in this picture, but I was crying. Funny, because this was the first time I had ever cried at one of my children's baptisms.
One of my favorite pictures.
Our good friend Norval, prayed for Benjamin. The best part of the prayer was when he gave the blessing, "The Lord bless you, and keep you. The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace." He gave the same blessing to Benjamin the day he was born. Very special!

Now, to the funny part. When Curtis and I went up there, he was holding Micah, I was holding Benjamin, and Elizabeth was walking. Very quickly, Elizabeth decided she would rather be held. So Curtis was holding BOTH kids, and getting rather hot. Micah started to get wiggly, and when Jon took Benjamin to be baptized, I took Micah. Micah decided that he would rather be running around the pulpit, and started screaming when I wouldn't let him. Benjamin in the mean time, was not too thrilled about the whole baptism thing. By the end of the baptism, Micah was screaming, and Benjamin was ticked. Several people have told me that it was the most exciting baptism that they have ever been to, and that they would be praying for us!


ninepoundhammer said...

I won't poke too much fun for the commotion the Krajca Clan put on at the baptism--I think we know all too well that Gracie Mae is tinder box just waiting for a match!

Congratulations again--we love Covenant Babies! (And y'all are certainly doing y'all's part in that area!)

Unknown said...

It was a wonderful day and God showed Himself in so many ways...His covenant with His people...His people sharing in the covenant blessings together...generational family love and support...commitment...encouragement...and humor

Proud Grand Daddy

Charla (SHar-la) said...

I peed ALL over the pastor at my baptism...First Presbyterian Church in Edna, Tx! Mom said everyone just laughed, too. I've heard that's quite a common reaction when someone pours (or sprinkles in this case) cold water over your head. that a funny husband prank in the making?

rachel said...

Jon's going to love all these pictures of him;-)
he did not mean that comment funny but that what he was going to be saying was a reminder to you all and feeling blessed at the opportunity to baptize Benjamin