Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Look a like

I've had several people tell me that with his faux hawk, Micah looks like...... So, here are a couple of his apparent look a likes. Care to add any?
McGee, from the Christian children's videos, McGee and Me. (Aunt Shannon)
Zach Morris from Saved by the Bell. (Lindsay N.)


Lindsay Newcomer said...

I forgot about McGee and Me! We owned the Thanksgiving and Christmas ones. (They were one of the few Sabbath approved movies).

And I remember one episode about him sneaking off to a "bad" movie, and he gets caught, and his dad says, "Garbage in, garbage out." Ahhh, memories. You should definitely make your kids watch them.

ninepoundhammer said...

He also looks like a blonde version of the Kips Big Boy.

ninepoundhammer said...

The link didn't send right, so here's another try.

Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

CUTE! He looks so much older with his hair like that!

Hannah D A said...

I'm not sure of who he looks like, but he sure is a cutie petutie!

Alicia said...

He looks like Jimmy Neutron to me. =) What a cutie.