Sunday, November 25, 2012

Month of Thankfulness... Day 25

I'm thankful for Mighty Micah.

This year's been a hard year for him.  It's been a hard year for all of us!!  And in the midst of it all, I'm afraid that there have been times when Micah's just flown under the radar.  Despite how quiet he can be, we've seen how much he's struggled this year.

He's struggled with why bad things have happened to our family.  But he's learned to walk in faith.

He's struggled with why his sibilings sometimes get more attention than he does.  But he's learned what real hurt looks like, and how to sit in sorrow with people.

He's struggled with big salvation issues.  But then has reconciled these issues, making a profession of faith, joining Curtis and I for the Lord's Supper each week at church.

He's struggled with school.  But he's learned more than just letters and numbers.  He's learned how to be brave, and face challenges.

He's struggled with anger towards someone who hurt his sister.  But he's learned forgiveness, and how to pray for your enemy.

The struggles Micah has faced this year have been more than a six year old should have to face.  But he stands, with the rest of us, stronger, in faith, ready to see what God will do for our family in the coming year.  I'm thankful for Micah!  I'm thankful for how God has worked in his life, growing him into a strong, brave, young man.

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