Thursday, September 13, 2007

Mommy Brain

I had heard of preggo brain... where you can't think straight during your pregnancy and can blame it on the little life growing inside of you and sucking away brain cells. Now, I am thankful that at this moment I DO NOT have preggo brain. But I do have a bad case of Mommy brain. Here's an example from today.

I went to Wal Mart for an odd assortment of items... a toaster, milk, broccoli, glue... only the Bryan Wal Mart would meet my needs (For those of you not from this area, the Bryan Wal Mart is the Super Wal Mart). So, I bravely loaded up the kids between naps, and headed out with the people my momma refers to as "the unwashed masses." OF course, I had forgotten my list on the kitchen table. Mommy Brain.

I head to the check out, thinking that I have gotten everything. After picking what I hope is the shortest and fastest lane, I realize I forgot diapers. Mommy Brain. After fetching said diapers, I head back to the check out. I take my purchases and children out to the van, only to realize that I forgot the crescent rolls, one of the main ingredients in Veggie Bars. Mommy Brain.

Being the loving wife I am (ha!) I take a 12 pack of Diet Dr. Pepper to my hard working husband. While he is loving on the kids, I open the wrong van door. Mommy Brain.

I get home, only to realize that I can't find my broccoli. Mommy Brain? I"m not sure. I don't even know what happened to my broccoli! Weird.

After nap time, I go to pick Curtis up from work. I had to get out of the van to get Elizabeth's snack, which had fallen onto the floor. Curtis comes out, and stops abruptly, pointing at the ground. I look, and he's pointing to a Wal Mart bag which has part of my groceries (including the broccoli!). Of course half of the groceries are now bad from sitting out in the sun for two hours. Apparently I lost a bag of groceries when opening the wrong door for Curtis. Mommy Brain.

So tonight, I went back to the Bryan Wal Mart, to pick up pictures, and to replace my lost and spoiled groceries. I'm not even going to go into details about the craziness of the Wal Mart! But the most annoying thing was that there was no one there to get me my pictures, which was the whole reason I went to Wal Mart rather than HEB!

Now, I'm going to bed to rest my Mommy Brain.


Anonymous said...

You SURE it's not preggo brain?!? hehe Well they do make the joke that our brain comes out with the placenta. So if that's happened to you 3 times, I'd say mommy brain is a very real thing for you. ;-) Sorry for all your trouble!!!!

Sherry said...

I have thought all along that we do get our brain back after pregnancies but that is missing parts that sadly we will never get back. Based on your story and my own Mommy Brain experiences I think I am on to something. More research must be done! How many trips to Wal-Mart does it take to get a pack of diapers and an assortment of other stuff? We may never know. Most mommy's out there are too embarrassed by their leaking brains, thanks for sharing Kierstyn - you are a tribute to all those in mommy land who have lost part of their brain! :) Can't wait to see you tonight!!

Anonymous said...

So can having children be compared with drinking too much alcohol? The more you have, the more brain cells die off? Of course I'm just kidding! Or am I???

My mom likes to call them "the mole people." haha