The picture is of a can of Allens Collard Greens, seasoned southern style. Now, never in my life have I had collard greens. I was at HEB today buying food for College Lunches tomorrow. We're having Mexican food, and I'm going to make some beans. Well, apparently I picked up a can of collard greens at the same time I got the cans of beans. Mommy Brain.
Yesterday, I picked Curtis up from work for lunch. When we got home, there was a street cleaner in our cul-de-sac. Thinking Micah would enjoy the big noisy truck, I quickly got him and Elizabeth our of the van. Turns out Micah is more than a little scared of the street cleaner, and ended up freaking out.
After lunch, we were getting ready to take Curtis back to work. Elizabeth went outside to get in the van, and came running back in, saying that the street cleaner was back. Nope. I had left the car running the entire time we were in the house for lunch. Mommy Brain.
Back to the problem at hand. Anyone want a can of collard greens, or have a suggestion as to what I should do with it?
no, but I have all kinds of cans of beans in my pantry...just ask Jamison. Tell me what kind to bring!
Eat them, they are good for you! Or you always feed them to the dog...Rachel L
Hey, I'll bet if you wrap bacon around them and cook them (somehow?) they would taste good. Anything tastes good with enough bacon.
Just my opinion.... :)
Like Rachel L, I would suggest eating them. (But then again, it's a Southern thing, so you may not like them.)
As for Angie's comment: I'll give you a THOUSAND dollars if you can wrap a piece of bacon around collard greens. :)
Then again, if you cover them in enough chocolate, they're bound to taste good right? I'm so proud you made beans! But the question is, did you partake in eating them?????
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