Saturday, October 25, 2008

The princess, the knight, and the dragon

Here is a small sampling of the pictures that our friends, the Ackermans, took today of our kids in their Halloween costumes. They look adorable (thanks Grandma!), and we had lots of fun taking the pictures. I'm going to try to get more pictures uploaded to my Facebook page tomorrow. Charles and Laura took almost 300!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
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Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

Oh my goodness, could they be any cuter???

Deirdre said...

Alex points out that the Knight slays the dragon to rescue the princess .... poor Benjamin!!

Christi said...

Very cute!!

Unknown said...

These are too wonderful; you must load them to Walmart so that I can send some to Grandma and Papa Jimmie! The order is really fun...the tentative knight...the fun-loving dragon...the lovely princess...except it looks like the knight and dragon make some kind of last minute deal.

Not very knightly if that's the case...but maybe that's what she gets for making a knight watch a whole princess movie for just a few minutes of "there's a knight and a dragon".

Love you all...wish we were together...
Grand Daddy

Beth said...

My favorite is the one of the dashing knight.

Heather said...

Super Cute!!!!

Anonymous said...

LOVE these pics!! What a great idea.