Sunday, October 04, 2009

Lost Things

Things just aren't where they're supposed to be. Here's a look at the misplaced things in my life right now. There's:
  • dirt in the tub
  • paint in the sink
  • rubber bands in the washer
  • and tissues in the dryer
  • cups in the coach
  • a pirate ship in the laundry pile
  • pennies in the bed
  • scribbles in the teacher's manual
  • crayon on the walls
  • nail polish in the bathroom sink
  • food on the TV
  • fruit snacks in the carpet
  • snot on the sleeves
  • and toothbrushes in the hallway.

I know this kind of stuff won't last forever. But it sure is exhausting.

I also know that in the grand scheme of things, having a nice clean house shouldn't be the goal of my day. But it sure would be nice!

I've heard that one day I will look around at my clean, organized house, and miss the sticky little hand prints. But that's not today.

So today, I'm tired and overwhelmed by my list of things to accomplish. Yet trying to enjoy it, because I know it won't last forever. Deep down, I really do know that this time with my kids is like gold. But I think that thought might have gotten lost under all the laundry.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This made me smile!

It is worthy to note and discuss or even debate this situation...but don't wear your self out over it. Maybe it's because you're a first-born, maybe it's because you have a little bit of me or maybe your Mom in you. Or maybe it's a little bit of Martha or a little bit of Mary.

Accept your situation as a person living in the tension of what you know could be except for sin and the actual situation because of sin.

Splurge...seize the gold that you recognize and lay it up where neither moth or rust destroy, or theives break in...there will be time enough for cleaning when it is appropriate. Plus you may find that it won't all get done even when you're just two again.