Friday, September 04, 2009

Gitchi Gitchi Goo

Phineas and Ferb is a summer show that's been on the Disney Channel. I'm quickly realizing that there are no good shows for kids in Elizabeth's age group. There's lots of good stuff for the younger crowd (Diego, Mickey Mouse, Handy Manny...) and lots of stuff for kids just older than her (Spongue Bob, Hannah Montana....) but just not much that works for her. Despite the fact that Pineas and Ferb have a boy crazy older sister (who drives me nuts!), we decided the show was harmless, and let they kids watch it.

And check out this catchy little tune that my kids are now singing.


Sherry said...

Phineas and Ferb crack me up!! I like this show because B&K laugh at it and Z likes it too and those boys use their brains a lot - good show, better than a lot of the alternatives!! :)

Hannah D A said...

We love Phineas and Ferb too.

Anonymous said...

I knew that gitdhi gitchi goo means I love you...didn't you?

momma said...

maybe harmless...but og soooo annoying!