Monday, March 02, 2009

Red Envelope Day

We are a pro-life family.

We believe that life begins at conception.

We believe that each child created is a gift, a blessing from God, given a spirit that lives forever, bearing the image of the Creator.

Sadly, our president doesn't share these sames beliefs.

It easy for me to feel like the abortion issue is too big for me. How can I help? How can I make my voice heard?

Here's one simple way.

On March 31st, pro-lifers from across the country will be mailing red envelops to our president with the message on the back, "This envelope represents one child who died because of an abortion. It is empty because the life that was taken is now unable to be a part of our world. Responsibility begins at conception."

Go here for more information, and to see how you can participate in taking a stand for those who's lives were taken from them.

These are the words to a song written by Michael Card. The lyrics are at the end of a CD Sleep Sound in Jesus, but they aren't put to music on the CD. They are simply the lyrics.

Lullaby for the Innocents
"Hear now a lullaby
You'll never hear,
For your life was something
That wasn't held dear.
You need not a lullaby
For you do not weep,
Nor love's arms to hold you-
In death you do sleep.

What your life might have been
We'll never know;
A miracle happened
But there's nothing to show.
We're left with this sorrow
But hope all the same
In heaven there's Someone
Who knows you by name."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is a great idea and i hope to participate, but i am tired of seeing a red envelope and not my beautiful grandchildren or even my children!!!