Thursday, July 05, 2007

Check Ups

Today, Elizabeth had her three year check up, and Micah had his 15 month check up. Here are the stats.

Elizabeth is 41 1/4 inches tall. To put that in perspective, the average three year old is maybe 39 inches. She is off the charts in height. In weight, she was between the 90th and 95th percentile, weighing in at 37 lbs. for her height, she's actually skinny.

Since I know everyone's dying to know, Micah weighed in at 32 lbs (which is how much Elizabeth weighed at two!), which is off the charts. He is 33 1/4 inches tall, again, off the charts. The funny thing, is that his head circumference is actually bigger than Elizabeth's! It's all those big Krajca brains, right Curtis?

Both kids were deemed healthy, and big. :-) Way to go Krajca kids!


Anonymous said...

Yea!!!! I love those Krajca kiddos!

Charla (SHar-la) said...

Kierstyn, I still do not know why this surprises you so much. What have Amy and I said since you were pregnant with Elizabeth...those Krajca babies are geniuses and it is STILL so true! You know I love those kids of yours and it seems like many many others do, too. So, if you want a break and want to ship them (well, maybe just one at a time) to us in Childress, that would be fine.

Puente Family said...

Oh my! Aren't checkups just the greatest? I love to find out all the stats and I love to hear the doctor say, "everything looks good". It just makes me so happy and thankful! Please give all of my info to your friend that is pregnant with identical twin boys! I would love to get to know her! Take care of those growing babies! :-) love, stacie

ADish said...


Just for a fun comparison, I have a son who turned three about 6 weeks ago. At his checkup, he was 39 inches tall and (get this) 30 pounds. That's 3-0 pounds. Could you pass along some of whatever you're feeding your children to my kids? Thanks! :)

Elizabeth said...

Caleb is putting on the pounds but I don't think he'll ever get the height your kids have to go with it. He's 16 pounds at less than 4 months (they didn't measure his length since it wasn't a well baby check up, but last time his weight was 75th percentile and his height only 25th).