Thursday, February 17, 2011

What really happened

Aren't the pictures in the post below lovely? You could almost look at them, and this that we had a sweet, fun, enjoyable, just as planned Valentine's Day.

But what's the fun in that?

Curtis and I have a long, sorted history with this particular holiday, all starting with a virtual rose. Valentine's Day just never seems to work out for us. Since we've had kids, we've been able to move towards more of the fun side of the holiday, worrying less about the romantic side of the holiday.

Last year, we had a 12 day old preemie. We did nothing to commemorate the day! Nothing! I have a picture of Timothy in his "First Valentine's Day" outfit, and that's it.

So this year, we wanted to do something special for each other. In an attempt to avoid that craziness of the day itself, we decided to go for the "movie and take out at home after the kids go to bed" route. I went to Krogers to pick up some special desserts, and corndogs for the kids, and was immediately hit with Valentin's day, in all it's glory!

I made my purchases, dodged some balloon ribbons, and headed home, armed with cheesecake, chocolate dipped strawberries, adult beverages and a movie. Curtis went and picked up Chinese food. We also got a little Valentine's Day bonus......

a sick, screaming baby who wouldn't sleep.

Happy Valentine's Day!

We tried again the next night, only to deal again with our sick little one.

Valentine's Day itself brought t-shirt making and exhaustion. At this point, Timothy had put us through five straight nights with little sleep. In true, parents of four style, we folded laundry and watched a movie.

We were so hard core this year, we even bought each other cards! However, the card I got for Curtis is still in the van, and the card he got for me is on his dresser. Maybe we should just save them for next year?

The really bright spot in our attempted celebration of the day was that Curtis brought me home a dozen red roses. Made my day (and week, and possibly month!). I love getting flowers, especially roses, and it was such a treat. He also showed what an awesome dad he is by bringing Elizabeth home a pink rose.

So though our plans were far from what we expected, it was a wonderful time of celebration!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I gave Matt his card last night. :-)