Thursday, April 15, 2010

Long Day

You know it's been a long day when...... you start a Thursday thinking it's Wednesday and end the day thinking it's Friday.

After a long night where I was awake more than I was asleep, I've spent the day dealing with a sick kiddo, a dramatic kiddo, a kiddo who needs to eat every three hours and a coughing kiddo. Thankfully, we had no where to be so we took it easy, spent lots of time in our jammies watching TV.

Here's hoping for a better night tonight!


Shannie said...

Gee, I can't imagine which kiddo is which... ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm with Shannon As I read your post I wondered, who could the drammatic kiddo possibly be? ? !!! Hope the boys are feeling better and this is a better day. Love grmm