Thursday, March 25, 2010

New babysitters

Adding a baby to our family, while homeschooling, and taking care of the daily things in life has been tough at times. I find myself trying to find a good balance between spending time feeding and loving on Timothy, while devoting enough time to school with Elizabeth, to being with Micah and Benjamin, feeding my family, doing laundry, cleaning the house..... the list goes on and on! There just aren't enough hours in the day!

So I hired a babysitter to entertain the three older children so that I could take care of things around the house or spend the time I need to with Timothy. My new sitters are AMAZING!! I feel like they are already a part of our family, and I wanted to introduce you to them.

Please welcome Tom and Jerry to the Krajca family!!! For Micah's birthday, my mom got him a Tom and Jerry DVD. The boys are especially in love with them. Elizabeth is bother by the fact that there isn't much talking, but is still amused by the hilarious antics.

If you're a worn out mommy, who needs 85 extra minutes in a day, you might consider hiring Tom and Jerry to watch your kids.


Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHA--Kierstyn, you crack me UP. You had me going with that one...

Molly said...

Our kids LOVE Tom & Jerry!! We've been recording episodes on the DVR for a while now, and they never seem to tire of watching it. Congrats on your new sitters! :) Bonus: If you do get a chance to sit down, it's enjoyable for mommies too!

Ashlee said...

hahahaha, that's great! I was wondering what in the world you were talking about, hehe.

Unknown said...

You may remember this story...when Mom was expecting Megan, we officially closed out the "we don't want to have a TV in our house" phase of our life. It was the summer of 1984, and Mom was dealing with morning sickness 24 hours a day. Off I went to Sears and splurged on a 19" color TV...instant baby sitter. You may remember that this led to the 1984 Los Angeles olympics...and Donald Duck soup... I can't paste a picture of it here, but go to and scrollo dopwn to 1984 to see the logo that was on the Ramen Noodles girls loved those noodles

Sammi said...

That's wonderful! I, too, have them as my sitters on particularly rough days!!! AWESEOME!