This morning, I dragged myself out of bed, ready to get a start on what I was hoping would be a great week! My sister, Shannon, has been here since last Wednesday, and is leaving early this Wednesday morning. I'm trying to prepare for life with four kids, all alone, and was hoping that today would be the start of a great week.
I got this sweet boy up.....
Then he did it again AND pooped all over the place. I began to have a bad feeling about my supposedly great week.
I headed to the kitchen to make a wonderful breakfast of homemade banana muffins. I was greeted by the smell of fresh coffee, was reminded how thankful I was for my sweet husband, and got my second wind.
Apparently, my second wind came in the form of a little too much enthusiasm. While I was making the muffins, I spilled vegetable oil ALL over the kitchen floor.
I decided to tone down my enthusiastic expectations, and just make it through the morning.
Eventually, I was able to start accomplishing my goal. Breakfast was great! The playroom got cleaned! School was started! The baby was fed and changed several times!! Yay!
This afternoon, Elizabeth and I had an encounter. Not a good one! I showed her mercy and sent her to dance despite her behavior. Benjamin and Timothy were sleeping, and Micah was my big helper. I was able to do some cleaning and general picking up.
Unfortunately, while doing the picking up, I accidentaly knocked this picture off the mantle.
Is it too late to go to bed and try again tomorrow morning?
You won't be alone :). You have lots of mommas only a phone call away. And I WILL drive 30 minutes simply to take children off of your hands :).
your momma sounds like a wise woman!! haha!! sorry it was a bad start! hope you have a great evening!
Psalm 118:24
This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
That is my scripture for THOSE days! Hugs to you my friend!
It's Monday. Tomorrow will be better.
sounds like a pretty normal day and I bet it was still great!
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