Friday, January 15, 2010

The Boogie Man

Growing up, we had a basement when we lived in Nebraska. There were times when my sisters and I would be uneasy about going down into the basement. My Dad would tell us, "Santa's not real, but the Boogie Man is!" He was so helpful!

We've spent some time this morning searching for Micah's cup from this morning. Elizabeth, in her usual dramatic fashion, was trying to think where it could have gone. I responded, "The Boogie Man must have gotten it." "Who is the Boogie Man?" she questioned. "A guy who likes to sneak around, take little kids' stuff, and jump out and scare little kids," was my sarcastic reply.

Her totally serious response was, "Oh. I think Grand Daddy is the Boogie Man!"

And another generation lives in fear!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Be very afeared!

And OBTW she must have heard you tell this story some other time or place...

The Boogeyman...a.k.a. Grand Daddy