Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Guess what I saw.....

.... for the first time 7 years ago today.

You didn't think that test was current, did you? :-) Because let me assure you, I am not pregnant! For the record, we are not planning on adding any more biological children to our family. The adoption door is open, but at this moment, we feel that we are blessed beyond measure, and that our family is complete.

Back to my story.

Seven years ago today, Curtis and I found out that we were pregnant with Elizabeth. It was not the first time I had taken a pregnancy test, but it was the first time I saw two pink lines! We weren't planning on starting a family at that point. Curtis was working on his master's degree, I had just started studying for the GRE with plans to get my master's degree starting the following semester and was teaching. Thought we knew we wanted a family someday, we didn't feel like someday was then.

We were at my parents house in Kansas when we got our big news. I was beginning to suspect that I was pregnant, but didn't want to take a test there. But my curiosity got the best of me, and I made up a lame excuse about going to buy Halloween candy on sale, and bought a test. As soon as I walked in the door, my mom cornered me and said, "Are you pregnant?!" I just stared at her, and shrugged my shoulders. Boy had she called my bluff!

I took the test, waited the appropriate amount of time, and Curtis and I checked it together. Positive! No question about it. We showed my mom, who hugged us and shared the news with my dad who was also very happy. Though I was happy, I was still in quite a bit of shock!

A week after my positive test, I began bleeding. Curtis and I went into panic mode and rushed to the ER where a very cold doctor told me, "You're probably having a miscarriage. There's nothing I can do, so go home and call your doctor on Monday." Praise the Lord, the doctor was wrong. Through my first trimester, I continued to have problems with bleeding, and was told more than once that I would probably miscarry. It was determined that I had a very large hemorrhage. My doctor and the ultrasound tech told me they had never seen a hemorrhage that large where the baby made it past 12 weeks. We were given a 50% chance of losing our baby.

I celebrated turning 12 weeks on our 3 year anniversary. And as I'm sure you've all figured out, by the grace of God, I carried that baby full term, and delivered our first child, Elizabeth the following June.

To think back to where Curtis and I were 7 years ago today, is nothing short of remarkable. We had no idea how much our life would change with the arrival of Elizabeth. I remember being so scare, all the time, of motherhood. Even once Elizabeth arrived, I was scared. Being a first time mom is hard! There are so many fears, unknowns and doubts that you experience.

I am so thankful that God gave me such a wonderful surprise 7 years ago! And I'm so greatful for how he protected Elizabeth during my pregnancy. Seven years ago, I never would have guessed that I would be the homeschooling mother of 4 that I am today, but I'm happy that His plans are higher than my plans, and that His plans are always perfect!


Charla (SHar-la) said...

I remember that time at JLMS and praying for that baby to be okay. What a wonderful blessing that sweet girl is! I can absolutely relate to your fear and anxiety and even for the same reasons! I pray many times a day our outcome will be the same as yours and that we would be blessed with two healthy babies!

Shannie said...

When I first saw this I had a heart palpitation

Anonymous said...

Yes, Shannon, I too read quickly to see what was going on. We are all so grateful for dear Miss Elizabeth. Love you all

Anonymous said...

Even seeing this again, I kind of blinked. Love you all