Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Happy birthday Shannon!

Today is my sister's birthday! Shannon and I are only 18 months apart. Growing up, we were very different children, and for those of you who know both of us now, you can attest to the fact that we are now two very different women. But, I have never had such a dear and close friend as my sister!

Being a military family, we moved more often then most. My parents always told us that we always had a built in friend in our sisters. Little did I know then how this would hold true as an adult too! Shannon has been there to support and encourage me through all the adventures that life has held for me. When something good happens, she is one of the first people I call, and when I need love and support, she is right there for me.

Shannon, I love you very much! I am thankful that you are my sister, but even more so because you are my best friend! Happy birthday!
Shannon and I last Christmas. See a family resemblance?


Anonymous said...

i think i notice a slight resemblence. Hmmm, my guess is that picture wasn't taken in texas.

all three of you are a blessing to me and i am so thankful for each of you and for your relationships with each other.

i amd truly blessed!

Shannie said...

Birthday gift: $25
NOT Pink wrapping paper: $5
Shipping for gift: $5
Posting a bad picture of you sister online: PRICELESS

Thanks. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Wow. You guys look like twins! Beautiful picture!