Friday, July 24, 2009

Being a girl is grand!

When my parents were in town a few weeks ago, my Mom, Elizabeth and I had some girl time. And what better place to go to have girl time than the mall?! There's a new store in the mall called Fairy Godmother. It's the absolute, most frilly, princessy, girly store you can imagine. As a special treat, my mom let Elizabeth pick out a new dress up dress. Elizabeth picked out the pink fairy princess dress. Then I got her the flower wreath and feather fan. The owner of the store let Elizabeth wear the dress out, and even let Elizabeth walk the cat walk, and sing with the feathered microphone. What a time she had!!

A couple weeks ago, Elizabeth dawned her fairy princess dress, her fairy wings, her flower wreath, her pink sparkle wand and her Fancy Nancy high heels (isn't that what all fairy princesses wear on their feet?) and headed to the park for a quick photo shoot.

I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again. I love my rough and tumble little boys. I love their energy, their daring nature, and their sweet, sweaty boy smell. But I am so, so, so thankful that God gave me a girly girl!!

1 comment:

momma said...

being a grandma is grand!!!