After seeing the movie Monsters Inc. she has developed a "fear" of monsters. Mostly this fear emerges when the light is off and she doesn't want to go into a room. Curtis and I tried to explain to her that monsters are pretend and imaginary, God didn't make monsters, so they can't be real. That seemed to work for a while. As I'm reminding her of all this a day later I again tell her that God didn't make monsters so they aren't real. Elizabeth responds, "I know! Monsters made themselves!"
Since having the light on is a big deal, we frequently hear, "You turn light on, Daddy/Mommy?" Curtis had been asked to turn on the light in her bathroom, and was heading that way when she told him, "Actually, I have my chair. I do it myself."
Yesterday, we were reading a book about Noah, and how God protected him. Later that same day, we were talking about how God protects us. "God protects us in the ark," Elizabeth tells me.
Today, after Sunday school we asked Elizabeth what she learned. "God was sick." Huh? Knowing that there must be something lost in the whole story process, I ask her teacher what they had covered. The Good Samaritan. Well, at least she got something! The best lesson for Elizabeth was that she got a band-aid during the story.
So, needless to say, Curtis and I have been doing a lot of explaining and re-explaining.
Here's a picture of Elizabeth's latest act of mischeif. No, that's not lipstick, it's Sharpie marker.
Ha! That's SHARPIE? What did you do? Does it just have to wear off??? Never a boring day in the Kraja household, huh?
Oh, how precious! I love the story with the monsters and then the sharpie is just priceless. I can't even imagine what is in store for me! :-)
Oh, I just noticed - how creative of her to draw an Ichthus on her head. She probably sees them on cars and wants the world to know she loves Jesus. Nice.
Very cute... Michael Krajca (
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