Sunday, November 22, 2009

Of course....

A couple posts ago, I mentioned that we were all healthy, just busy. Well, that almost changed for us this weekend!

Micah's been having random asthma issues this fall. We're unsure of what the trigger is, so we're left to just treat the symptoms as they come. This past week, Micah had a pretty severe flair up of eczema, which is usually tied in with allergy issues and eventually asthma. I took him in on Friday and he was put on oral steroids.

Last night, I noticed that he was coughing a lot, which is also a sign of a coming asthma attack. Cough medicine did nothing, so at about 4am, we did a breathing treatment. When more cough medicine and another breathing treatment didn't help, I decided to take him in.

He has the beginnings of pneumonia! I'm so thankful that I got him in before if went all the way to pneumonia, since we're leaving for Kansas in just two sleeps.

But I couldn't help but laugh at my "at least we're all healthy" post below. Let's change that to, "At least we're pretty healthy!"


Brian Franklin said...

We're with you. Jonathan got pneumonia last year at this time, and we're pretty sure that's what he developed this week. Thankfully, we had a prescription saved for just such an occasion, and we put him on it a few days ago. Better, but not nearly healthy yet.

Hope Kansas goes well!

Megan said...

Poor Micah! Glad you caught it so qickly. Looks like I'm probably going to take Jeremiah in tomorrow. He still has a runny nose and now has a slight fever. Is it a rule that kids need to get sick before a trip???

Anonymous said...

Im sad Micah is having so many problems. Hope your quick action is getting everything under control. We're really looking forward to seeing you all on Fri. or Sat. Be safe driving. Love grmm