Monday, March 04, 2013

Spooky Story: by Timothy

"Want to hear a spooky story?" my snuggly three year old sweetly asked.  When I confirmed that I did indeed want to hear a spooky story, he put his little flashlight under his chin and began, "Once upon a time there were three brother.  Their names were Micah, Benjamin and Timothy.  Their names were Batman.  And they traveled to sand castles.  In the sand castle was an evil witch with a blue diamond."

The end

Not really.... here's another

"Once upon a time there were two boy names mommy and Timothy.  And their names were Spiderman and Bathman.  And they traveled to an evil dessert where there were green guys.  And they fought the green guys and the green guys died.  Then there was an evil queen with a diamond.  And they killed the queen."

The end

He's still going around, telling various spooky stories to anyone who will listen.  

1 comment:

Brittany said...

I love this! My boys tell funny sorties too!