Saturday, December 15, 2007


Last night Micah saw a bride on the TV. He very excitedly ran around saying, "Aunt Meggie, Aunt Meggie!" Cute! All this led to a conversation about where people lived. Megan lives in Georgia, Grandma and Grand-Daddy live in Kansas, Aunt Shannon lives in Kansas, Papaw and Memaw live in Texas (which is confusing since we live in Texas, and they live in Texas, but we don't live together).

This morning, the conversation came up again.

Me: Where does Aunt Megan live?

Micah: Georgia (sounds like "Goga").

Me: Very good! Where does Grandma live.

Micah: Grand-Daddy.

Me: Yes, Grandma lives with Grand-Daddy. She lives in Kansas.

Micah: No, Grand-Daddy!

Well, at least I tried!

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