Saturday, July 08, 2006

Micah got shot

.... at least that's how Elizabeth is telling the story of Micah's most recent visit to the doctor. Let me back up a little.

Elizabeth has been making several trips to the doctor over the past few weeks. She had a bladder infection that she just can't seem to get rid of. I think we've licked it this time though, because we haven't heard anything from the lab. For anyone interested, just ask how the get a sample of urine from a two year old. It's not fun! Anway, we also had a 'well visit' where she was weighed, measured, checked out, and declared to be in good health. Yay! It's also procedure that at two, the doctor makes an educated guess as to how tall a child will be when fully grown. Our doctor predicted that Elizabeth will be about six foot three!!! That's as tall as Curtis. :-) Anyone know the number for the WNBA?

Because of all the trips to take care of the bladder infection, Elizabeth is now a little anxious about going to the doctor. When I told her that we were going to take Micah to the doctor, she looks at my, tears filling her eyes, and say, "No more! Micah's turn!!"

Well visits for babies are a little more exciting, since they always require immunizations. I tried to explain to Elizabeth what would be happening to Micah. She told me that she would be my helper. We get to the doctor, and go through the whole weighing and measuring thing. Micah (at 16 weeks) weighs a whopping 19 lbs!!! He is 26 1/4 in. long, which means he has just about our grown his infant car seat. He is in the 95% on height, and over the 95% for weight. Such a big boy! The doctor also declared his very healthy, and ready for his shots. I'll leave out all the details about the crying, the tears, and the little bit of blood.

As we're leaving, Elizabeth asked the nurse if she could have a sticker since, "Elizabeth big helper!" When the nurse asked what she had done to help, Elizabeth said, "Micah got booboo, Micah got SHOT!" It was too funny. I quickly reassured the nurse that Micah got A shot. That one little letter, "a" made a big difference!

Elizabeth is such a sweet big sister. She loves comforting her "baby brudder" when he's upset. And he absolutely loves her! When he's fussing, she'll go into his room, climb on his crib, and ask, "What's wrong baby, what's wrong?" When he continues to cry, she replies will, "It's okay baby, I know, I know, it's okay, just changing you!" We are very blessed that she is so sweet to her brother. I look forward to seeing the relationship that they will have some day, since the relationship they have right now is so sweet.

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