Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Sweet Faces

When people find out I'm a stay at home mom, I'm often asked if it's boring. I wittingly reply, "Of course not, I never know if the poop is going to come out the front, back or side of the diaper!" Not to mention, the benifits (shown above) far outweigh and possible cons! Is it just me, or are those two ADORABLE kids?!?!


Anonymous said...

I must agree! I miss them already, and i think they ned to move north...

Charla (SHar-la) said...

Oh, Kierstyn...Micah gets cuter and cuter. Well, and you know how I feel about Elizabeth, sweet thing. Anyway, I will always be in awe of you and Curtis and the way you are raising your kiddos. You are populating the world with wonderful children, and as a teacher and just as a member of society, I think you for that.

Amy said...

I LOVE them!!! You have the most beautiful children. Keep posting pictures!


Lee Nickles said...

Well, I think they're even more cute in person (grin)

Anonymous said...

Hey Krajca's!
This is a great idea! I love reading about your days and seeing what I have to look forward to :). Your babies are beautiful!
