Thursday, June 23, 2011


8 short weeks after we lost my Papa Kerry, my Papa Jimmie passed away. As I sat at his funeral, the 3rd family funeral I'd attended in 6 months, I found myself overwhelmed with sweet memories. And the above picture easily sums up several memories of Papa. His recliner, in the same corner of the living room that it had always been in. An OSU t-shirt. His sweet, slight smile. His hands. The table behind him, set for a meal that he and Grandma had planned for us all.

As I entered another stage of grief, I found myself thinking that it was all just too much. It's too much, and too hard to lose both my Papas in such a short amount of time. It's been heartbreaking to watch my Grandmas become widows. But God has been gracious to remind me of his never ending, sustaining love, that has carried me through the grief process before. Though sad, I am confident that my Savior is loving and has a plan in all this.

1 comment:

Megan said...

It ha been an incredibly rough 9 months. Praise God for getting us through it!