Monday, January 30, 2012

Tough Muddar

On Saturday, Curtis competed in a Tough Muddar, a 12 mile course where participants faced 29 obstacles designed by British special ops. Not only did he compete, but he lived!! He's a TOUGH MUDDAR!

The five Tough Muddars from our church.

I am incredible proud of Curtis for this accomplishment!! To think about where he was a year ago, to see how far he's come, and to know that finished this challenging course makes this accomplishment that much bigger.

From the group picture above, you can see how dirty the team was. Here's a picture of my washing machine, after washing a Tough Muddar load of laundry.
This picture was taken after the Tough Muddar load had been washed once and rinsed twice AND Curtis had vacuumed out the rocks.

Now that he's done a Tough Muddar, what next?

The Warrior Dash!! But not just a Warrior Dash (which is 3+ miles), but a Warrior Dash with your wife. Yep. I start "training" today so that I can compete with Curtis in a Warrior Dash. We're not 100% sure when we'll do it, but we're thinking it will be April or May.

I'm looking forward to working alongside Curtis to tackle a new challenge.


Amy said...

I did the Warrior Dash in July while Will was climbing Mr Rainier! It was awesome but hard - the obstacles were not bad, but the running!!! Ours was just over 3.5 miles and the whole thing was thick mud. Train hard! Run a ton! It is a total blast.

Unknown said...

I really like seeing Curtis in orange and black!

It sounds great doing the Warrior Run go, girl...go running that is!