Friday, January 06, 2012


I've been trying to come up with a clever, cute-sey way to summarize 2011. And though I've found several fun ideas, it's just hard to use a cute way to sum up a very hard year.

2011 started as we arrived home from being away from home for nearly 3 weeks, celebrating Christmas with family, but also dealing with the sudden death of my uncle.

We joyfully celebrated Timothy's first year of life. My sister, Shannon, came for a visit, which brought the harsh reality that she would soon be leaving, and heading to Australia for a year to do missions work.

In April, my Papa Kerry passed away. Less than 48 hours later, we welcomed my new nephew. Bittersweet.

Our year continued in a flurry of birthday parties, recitals, broken air conditioners, traveling, and we wrapped up school.

In June my Papa Jimmie passed away.

A week after his funeral my dad was diagnosed with cancer.

During all this, Curtis and I were looking at moving to Michigan.

Our fall began as I started homeschooling TWO, rather than just one. My Dad had surgery, we traveled more, we got a puppy, the big boys played flag football, Elizabeth continued dancing.... life went on.

2011 was a hard year. I faced a lot of hard things. We dealt with a lot. Through it all, I saw God's faithful hand leading us forward. I learned, I loved, I lost, I grew. I'm so thankful for all the joys and trials of 2011.

And I'm praying 2012 will be a calmer year!

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