Thursday, April 22, 2010

Our life in a few pictures

Life has been going at a lovely pace this week. Not too busy, but not too boring. We are currently trying to get everyone in our family over pink eye. Last week we all stayed quarantined for most of the week. We also didn't venture out this past weekend. Just when I thought things were getting back to normal, Timothy came down with pink eye again, despite the drops. Four kids feels like A LOT when you're dealing with something like pink eye!

Here's a quick update on all those kiddos of mine:

Elizabeth lost another tooth! It was actually quite traumatic. Her other bottom tooth was loose, apparently more loose than we thought. She had a blanket in her mouth, and when she pulled it out, she also popped that loose tooth out. She flipped!! Screaming, blood, freaking out.... it wasn't pretty. She was worried that her tooth wasn't ready to come out, like the one that had been pulled, and that it would hurt. Once we assured her it was okay, she was quite excited about the event. Micah is turning into a very big boy! Adding a baby to our family hasn't effected his negatively. However, I feel like he falls through the cracks more than any of the other kids. When I have moments with just him, I realize how big, smart, funny and charming he's become. He is a joy!
Mr. Benjamin seems to be doing quite as the new big brother in the house. But apparently, it's pretty stressful. This is how I found him yesterday afternoon.

Benjamin's also in the process of sometimes dropping his nap, not using a pacy, and re-potty training after some regression after Timothy's birth. Big stuff going on for this little guy! He's also REALLY looking forward to his birthday next month.
And sweet Timothy! We are all in love with every inch of this sweet baby.

I could seriously kiss those amazing cheeks all day!
So that's the latest and greatest in our lives. We are enjoying life, and looking forward to making some wonderful family memories in the busy month of May!


Kelly said...

So cute, but OMG I love the coffee pot picture.

Charla (SHar-la) said...

I just noticed that you seriously beat the odds with your kids. Your chances of having a blue-eyed child were 1 in 4, right? And you have 1 out of 4 with BROWN eyes! I don't know why I took notice to that fact, but I did. Such is my crazy brain these days.

momma said...

those are some sweeties!!