Friday, September 05, 2008


You might not have noticed, but on our header, there is a quote. "It's a crazy life, but it's our life. And anything else would be boring." The first part of that quote is from a TV show. Do you know which one?

John and Kate Plus 8
On the Road with 16 Children
Raising 16 Children
The Brady Bunch

And in case you were curious, the second part of the quote is straight from the mouth of Christi! She reminds me all the time that if my life was calmer, I would be bored.


Anonymous said...


it looks like you are going to have so much fun at tap.

love, grandma

Charla (SHar-la) said...

I do, I do, I do...Jon and Kate Plus 8 because I'm addicted and watch it all the time! Hee hee...