Monday, September 01, 2008

Labor Day

What else would I talk about on Labor day?! How about the some of the hardest work I've ever done!!

How long were your labors?
Kid #1 17 hours
Kid #2 see below
Kid #3 see below

How did you know you were in labor?
Kid #1 12 hours of contractions that only got worse
Kid #2 planned c-sec... the one perk, no labor!
Kid #3 see #2

Where did you deliver?
With all of them, at a hospital where modern medical technology helped greatly!

Lots with #2 and #3. Thank goodness! Epidural after 15 hours of back labor with #1.

#2 weighed 10lbs 14 1/2 ozs (which is almost 11 lbs, people!!!) and had the shoulders of a three month old.
#3.... bless his screwed up little head.... no soft spot = c-sec for me!

Who delivered?
#1 Dr. H, my sweet family practice doc
#2 Dr. Z, who I LOVED, but kinda reminded me of a good friend of Curtis, which creeped me out.
#3 Dr. D, over all nice guy, made me cry a lot though.

See, wasn't that fun!!


Shannie said...

oh yeah, "fun." Thanks, Kiersty...I'm calling my insurance company right now to see if they'll cover me having my tubes tied.

Erin said...

Oh come on really is a joyous event! One day you will understand :)

Megan said...

You really made it seem like something to look forward to! I know I know. It'll be worth it all in the end. :-)

Anonymous said...

How'd I know I was in Labor?
Kid #1: back ache all day, water broke.
Kid #2: same pain as #1
Drove myself to the hospital both times-

How long was labor?
#1: 6 hours of intense unrelenting back labor
#2: 3 hours same as number 1
Nope, none with either--boy would I be doing that part differnt today--can you say epidural
Air Force Base Hospital with aged technology but good help
Who delivered them?
#1 the flight surgen who was dabbling in OB as he planned his escape from active duty. He had to leave the super bowl to deliver the kid and was none too happy about it.
#2 Base OB doc on call.

Sherry said...

Aw the memories...*&$^# wait a minute I mean nightmares. Ha, ha just kidding. Megan & Shannon it is well worth it and although it doesn't seem like it at the time you do "forget." How else would I have ended up with four!?!