Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Flower Girl Drama

Here are the pictures of the Flower Girl Drama. I'm so glad someone got it on camera! Down she goes.

Grabbing flowers to throw (the only flowers she threw).

Curtis multi taksing: usher and flower girl rescuer.

All's well that ends well..... here comes the bride!

Elizabeth still talks about the wedding and how she "did a bad job". It's so funny! So every time she gets upset, I have her call Megan, who reassures her that she did fine! Oh, the drama!


Lindsay Newcomer said...

She is probably stressed from those, what were they called- high ended questions you asked her about Blueberries for Sal. Maybe you should ask her about she feels when she sees these wedding pictures.

Charla (SHar-la) said...

I really don't know why you're so surprised. I'm pretty sure I was introduced to you as, "Kierstyn Queen-of-the-Drama Krajca." Yes, that was it because I remember it rhymed...sort of.

Kierstyn said...

Lindsay, that's higher level questions. :-) And I haven't showed her the pictures yet. You can only imagine what would happen!

Anonymous said...

No, save those pictures to show her when she's getting married as a warning about flower girls!!!

Besides - except for you and Curtis and maybe momma, we all loved it!

And I have to agree with the jenkins about where Elizabeth gets her drama gene from!!!
